This project was created in Polish for the Helion publishing house. Together with the listener I create an advanced vue project - a prototype of an online store.
The course was created because I received a unique offer from the publishing house whose books I was learning from as long as I used Polish sources. I was very excited because I had never done anything like this. However, I knew that I like sharing my knowledge and I could not deliver this course if necessary.
The course received positive feedback and I am happy with it, but working on editing the film is not my thing, therefore I did not create a similar project.
VISITWhen there was boom for Flappy Bird back in 2013, many clones came out and this is one of them.
It is made with Easeljs over the weekend.
Idea behind this was that in the cardboard there is no controller, so I wanted to create pair of apps. One that displays something for the cardboard, and another one that connects with this applications and acts as an input.
First part of this project is small vr app - flying rocket. The second part is desktop app which can controll the rocket with keyboard.
Long time ago there was innovative technology which popularity was growing really fast. This project was to try out react 0.16v.
In my opinion one of the biggest adventage is that the react api didn't change much till react hooks which was introduced in version 16.8.