Profile picture
My name is Peter and I'm a creative web application designer, indie games fan and a UX enthusiast.
Check out my career and side projects below.


ParlayBay - Lead Frontend Developer

02.2022 - 01.2025
Bricodes screenshot
ParlayBay is a pioneer company in the micro betting industry. I joined it in the very early phase to work on a prototype version of the game. My first challenge was to refactor the code base and fix major bugs. After releasing the product there was a time to set up a proper development process, maintain and improve the product, enlarge our team. I think that it was most challenging and diverse project in my career.
  • Responsibilities:
  • - Create asynchronous betting platform
  • - Facilitate deployment: gather required tickets, sync whole team: backend, qa, management, manage change log
  • - Lead frontend recruitment
  • - Drive product and retrospective meetings
  • - Tweak development process
  • - Automate deployment of our app and translation keys
  • - Technology stack for projects: React, Typescript, Redux Toolkit, Stompjs, Framer-motion, Howler

Bricodes - Senior Frontend Developer (part-time)

10.2019 - 06.2022
Bricodes screenshot
Bricodes is a small advertisement company which makes small contests for kids. Usually it is a quiz game, but with the addition of simple games like finding some elements in the picture or avatar creator. It was only part-time job, but every project I had to create from scratch based on a given concept / mockups with creative game mechanics.
  • Responsibilities:
  • - Delivering responsible websites with games within strict deadlines
  • - Technology stack for projects: Vue.js / PIXI.js (game mechanics)

Xecta - Senior Frontend Developer

03.2021- 02.2022
Xecta provides insights in the energy sector. Their apps are basically multi-pages SPA with forms and charts. With complex forms, users could request data for different charts. Whole layout of every page was configured through the back office page, stored on the backend and applied on the frontend.
  • Responsibilities:
  • - Create and maintain component showcase project (like ‘Storybook’)
  • - Maintain and extend components library
  • - Creating different pages with components from our custom library
  • - Technology stack for projects: React, Material UI, GraphQL

Metrological - TV App Developer

05.2020 - 03.2021
Metrological screenshot
As a TV App Developer I was responsible for building TV Apps in the Lightning.js framework. It is a component based framework which aims to deliver high-performance browser based TV Apps. Also at this position I have learned a little about shaders.
  • Responsibilities:
  • - Building TV Apps in Lightning.js framework
  • - Creating simple shaders

Eclipsegroup - CRO Specialist

03.2020 - 04.2020
Eclipse screenshot
I was responsible for creating A/B tests using Adobe Target. Main reason for this was to optimize clients' revenue. Also I had the opportunity to build a pipeline to build a service for other developers where they could write testing code in es6/es7, push to repository, then code was transpiled and forwarded to Adobe Analytics.
  • Responsibilities:
  • - Creating A/B tests with Adobe Target
  • - Customize webpack / rollup build process

Evryplace, Fream S.A. - Frontend Tech Lead

2017 - 2019
Evryplace screenshot
Create VR presentations with ease. Presentations may have image / text banners, links and popout dialogs. The cool feature is live presentations - client and host are connected to see the same presentation and have a voice chat.
  • Responsibilities:
  • - Webvr engine for vr presentations (threejs, webvr-polyfill)
  • - Responsive web sites (React, Material-io)
  • - Simple nodejs server (node, express)
  • - Branding build system (webpack)
  • - Maintain socket io server
  • - Organize tasks for the team

Fream S.A. - Frontend Developer

2015 - 2017
Naviexpert screenshot
Our team were developing vanilla js app on top of Leaflet. Major features of this app were: trip planner and trip statistics (like google maps, but worse).
  • Responsibilities:
  • - Create and maintain responsive web sites
  • - Scrum Master for 3 months
VISIT Limited - Frontend Developer

2014 - 2015
We developed an app like a twitter, but for prayers. It was a startup and my duties and technology stack changed over time. Technologies and languages: Html5, Css3, Ruby on rails, Javascript, Angularjs, jQuery, Ruby, Go, Cucumber.
  • Responsibilities:
  • - Create and maintain responsive, dynamic web sites
  • - Create and maintain admin panel
  • - Unit test integration
  • - A/B tests made with Google Analytics and Optimizely

Hanona International - Web accessibility tester

2013 - 2014
I was employed to test websites and online applications against Web Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 to ensure that they were accessible to people with disabilities. This job gave me great insight on how accessibility is important.

Side projects

Slot Game

Simple slot game example. There are 5 reels on the screen, once player clicks on "Play!", they start to spin. Reels are animating with a backout easing effect. Made with PIXI.js


Video course. Vue.js - Creating advanced web applications

This project was created in Polish for the Helion publishing house. Together with the listener I create an advanced vue project - a prototype of an online store.

The course was created because I received a unique offer from the publishing house whose books I was learning from as long as I used Polish sources. I was very excited because I had never done anything like this. However, I knew that I like sharing my knowledge and I could not deliver this course if necessary.

The course received positive feedback and I am happy with it, but working on editing the film is not my thing, therefore I did not create a similar project.


Board game platform

I wanted to create a game platform for board games from scratch, where users can choose between different game formats and play together with friends or bots. More technical details are in the project README


Another flappy bird

When there was boom for Flappy Bird back in 2013, many clones came out and this is one of them.

It is made with Easeljs over the weekend.

VR Controller

Idea behind this was that in the cardboard there is no controller, so I wanted to create pair of apps. One that displays something for the cardboard, and another one that connects with this applications and acts as an input.

First part of this project is small vr app - flying rocket. The second part is desktop app which can controll the rocket with keyboard.